Before leaving for Haiti, I started to have some strong doubts about my going. Did I really have anything to offer? I’m just a white, American with BIG ideas. Will they just see me as that only? Or someone who truly does love God and wants to put into practice loving others? People (and the voices in my head) kept telling me “what you are sharing is so counter cultural…they won’t get that concept…..are you sure you should be going?” But I kept my head down, my heart open and my ear turned toward God. I got an overwhelming sense I was doing EXACTLY what God wanted me to do. I started to doubt again when we started with only 3 parents in attendance……but that quickly grew to 29! People nodding as we spoke, feverishly writing notes, sticking around afterwards to introduce their families, .ask more questions and be together. I had a huge ah-ha moment was when I shared the difference between punishment and discipline as “punishment is external, and discipline is internal. We want to help our children make that internal “heart” change…” Our translator turned to me with eyes and mouth wide open ”oh that is good! I understand now!” And as he translated, I saw the “light bulb” go on in all the eyes turned towards us in that room. Yes, parents all over the world want to raise up good children. Children that will grow up in to be productive, loving, hardworking individuals. Parenting is hard. No matter where you live. The concepts and strategies we shared translated to yet another group of parents needing hope, encouragement and affirmation. Being a part of that is something that has forever changed me. Children and their parents have always been near and dear to my heart, but I now know that God has equipped me to take that love and knowledge to families near and far. My heart was reminded that God will grant me the strength and words needed to do what He has called me to.