

The US staff is led by Guesly Dessieux, Executive Director and Founder. Since 2015, the staff has been meeting each Friday morning. These weekly meetings have been hugely impactful in both moving the work forward and continuing to grow our network of champions.


PLH is extremely proud of our Haitian employees and values and appreciates the work they do. The employment of nationals is a vital piece of empowering Haitians to build a stronger Haiti! With no US personnel able to be on the PLH campus since March of 2023, it is the Haitian staff who are running the daily operations of PLH.

The PLH Haiti staff consists of 22 men and women with an additional 15 seasonal coaches. This employment is not only helping them to provide for their families and build their lives but also empowering them to be integral players in the strengthening of their community and their country.

With the current security issues in Haiti, PLH is not able to share our Haitian employees' names and photos. While we love for our champions to get to know our Haitian team, the safety of our employees is our primary concern. Please be praying for our Haitian team members as they face increasing challenges.